
Here I will showcase some of my proudest works and maybe write a lil on em. I'll throw a couple in here for good measure but doing this retroactively will be a lot of work so bear with me while there isnt much content on here. If you would like to see more of my stuff then you should visit my outlinks and go to my bird app account. There is where most of my stuff is already posted.

Rainbow Laserwave Fennec:

Once again using a friends character, I made this piece. It started as a simple drawing which served as some nice practice for drawing animals but then I had some ideas for some special stuff I could do to it using blender. Initial results were somewhat flawed but I managed to find a way to make the gradient upon which the stripes were placed to curve and follow along with the characters spine. This was a small breakthrough and it led to the creation of this animated wonder of fine art. i am very happy with this one.

Text Printout Animation:

This is something quite fun I made, the background isnt the interesting part, the text is. I managed to make a method to take a hand-crafted image file be plugged into blender and have blender render out an animated text printout style animation like you see before you. Then I simply use some video editing to stitch each individual text printout sequence together and I can put it over any footage I want. In this case a quick scene I rendered of a knife with a flickering light source shone on it. The way this is achieved even allows 1 channel of anti-aliasing/shading.

Sleepy Animation:

I made this to practice puppeting 2d illustrations in blender. I drew one of my friends characters and then separated it into sections that I assembled in blender so that I could animate them. This is my first attempt at doing anything like this and I am very happy with the outcome.